*Occam’s Razor is being ignored…

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Missing Simple Keys to Open the Universe
by Bruce E. Camber (*Occam’s Razor)

Forward. Since the early days of the 1980s, people have accommodated the big bang theory. If we take the results as given by our space telescopes, especially the James Webb (recent homepages), big bang cosmology is being scrutinized like never before. There are serious challenges. The big bang could become an intellectual artifact. If so, its history should be consistently and profoundly reviewed. There is so much arrogance among some of its advocates… it all actually impedes both good scholarship and the good spirit of people.

These eight keys just might help to unlock the universe:

1) Continuity-symmetry-harmony: These three facets of infinity become qualities of the finite.1 Although work began in 1970 to discern if continuity, symmetry and harmony are perfected states in spacetime, current studies of pi (π) reveal these much more familiar origins whereby all things within space and time are so conditioned.

2) Base units. All the natural units and dimensionless constants like pi (π) logically define the first moment of space-time. Pi (π) with its generation of spheres and primary facets, continuity-symmetry-harmony, logically participates in the creation of the first moment and every moment of space-time and that preconditions everything, everywhere, for all time.2

3) Base-2 exponentiation and the definition of the 202 notations from either the Planck, Stoney or ISO base units (with all the associated natural units and dimensionless constants). This mapping starts at the first moment of space-time, Notation-0, and goes right up to this very moment in time, within Notation-202 which is the Now.

The most-simple, natural exponential inflation would begin as base-2. Our chart is, of course, base-2 exponential notation; and, the big bang, although not formally stated, would necessarily be base-2 as well. That’s a key. Big bang thinking never truly engaged the 143 notations of the first second and every subsequent second of our universe. With some consensus, the Standard Models and the Lambda CDM can be readily modified. This domain, particularly the first 64 base-2 notations, though infinitesimal and too small to be directly measured, will be uniquely defined by mathematical applications currently not on the grid. Although considerable work has been done to accommodate the Big Bang, most of it will not need updating. In time “after the big bang” will mean “…after the big bang became an historic footnote of a key theory that failed.”

Yes, the first 64 notations of the 202 are below the thresholds of measurement by devices and instrumentation. Knowledge of these domains is currently only through logic and mathematics (including algorithms, equations and geometries). Our entire chart, is just an outline, yet it is all active right Now.3

4) Expansion (and inflation). We hypothesize that there is one infinitesimal sphere for each of the smallest possible units of length-and-time. That simple calculation using the Planck base units, for example, yields a constant 539 tredecillion spheres per second.4

5) These spheres populate the universe and render a dynamic grid or matrix of 202 notations. This grid or matrix connects all things for all time, everywhere.5

6) This grid defines a domain of perfection. There is too little time and too much density for imperfections to manifest. Cubic-close packing gives us our building blocks. And, today quantum fluctuations begin to be measured within Notations 65-to-67.6

7) Quantum fluctuations have a geometry. It is first opened with five tetrahedrons. That has a tortured history. Then come the five octahedrons (close-up). We discovered those five hiding in plain sight. The icosahedrons made of twenty tetrahedrons and the Pentakis dodecahedron of twelve five-tetrahedral clusters are less studied. This imperfect or squishy geometry is the geometry of indeterminism, probabilities, and free will.7

8) Those studies currently not on the grid are defined by either Standard Model. Within a base-2 infrastructure of the universe, each of these disciplines can apply their work most likely within the first 64 notations that ostensibly connect the two models.8

These simple concepts are not part of our academic discussions. I believe each has some merit. It would be helpful if some of those scholars to whom we have written over the years would take a few minutes to affirm or refute one these eight concepts. Thank you. –BEC

It’s the mythopoetics of Humpty Dumpty all over again!


Endnotes & Footnotes
In process: Not many because all these points already have pages within this website…

[*] Occam’s Razor. Also known as the law of parsimony, abductive reasoning , and the principle of economy, it is good to revisit this scholar’s work especially to study the scholars who contributed to it prior to his death in the year 1347. That list includes  Aristotle (384–322 BC),  Ptolemy (c. AD 90 – c. 168),  Maimonides (1138–1204), Robert Grosseteste (1175–1253), and John Duns Scotus (1265–1308). At the same time, it is also good to be reminded of the work of those who were less than enthusiastic about tight attitudes within the workings of parsimony. Of course, here within this website, the issue is the disposition of what has been historically known as the Big Bang theory. Its defenders are all busy reinventing the theory as best they can within the smoothness measurements of the ESA Planck Space Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope and the JWST, and all the galaxy formations around the 300 million year mark found by the JWST.

The work by esteemed Nobel Laureate, Sir Roger Penrose, is a special case study. He has become the high priest of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology where in his house there are many cycles, not because anybody can ever prove it, but because he says so.

Our base-2 model uses Planck’s base units and assumes the qualitative character of continuity-symmetry-and-harmony within a finite-infinite relation, seems puny by comparison but it certainly is simple and, to everyone’s surprise, it renders all the same results used to prop up big bang cosmology.

[†] Forward. The Big Bang needs a fix, Between Particles and Planck’s Natural Units, Numbers and systems, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), ESG & DEI, and Grid or matrix of infinitesimal spheres

[1] Continuity, symmetry, harmony. These three qualities give us logic, numeration, and thus order, relations and dynamics and the core and essence of ethics and values.

[2] The Nature of Numbers. There is a special place in the universe for natural units and dimensionless constants. Natural numbers like those by Planck (based on cħGkB), Stoney (based on cGkee) or Hartree atomic units (emeħke), Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD, based on cmpħε0), and Schrödinger units (cħGkB). Wikipedia’s chart is helpful.

Preconditioning all things, everywhere for all time. Not quite a theory of everything (TOE), this chart of the mathematics of 202 base-2 notations is a possible working outline of the universe. It will challenge us to re-examine key issues within the academic world. Our understanding of infinity is one of those keys. Redefined by the primacy of pi (π), and its ubiquitous circles and spheres, the work of David Hilbert and Kurt Gödel are both challenged. Infinity shapes the finite and imbues the finite with continuity-symmetry-harmony. These three facets of the infinite become the basis for smoothness and the basis for homogeneity and isotropy. Each of the 202 notations start with the same foundation. That perfect geometry accounts for dark matter and dark energy. And, inflation is readily accounted for within a natural exponential notation where infinity is defined as continuity-symmetry-harmony.

To the words, “…after the big bang became an historic footnote of a key theory that failed,” perhaps a little addendum might be added, “…and simple math took over.” Phil Davis was an educator for all people. He wanted us to learn the basics. Where the big bang hides the basics deep within its singularity, this base-2 notation spreads it out so with every prime number notation, we can begin to figure out what an ordered progression for growth is.

[3] It is our current outline and it is active right Now. But, that chart was started in December 2011 looking just at Planck Length. In 2013 we started adding Planck Time (chart – scroll down). In 2014 we started adding Planck Mass and Planck Charge, and then Planck Temperature. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. In 2015, that chart was vertically scrolled; and in 2016, it took its current format (horizontally scrolled to be able to follow the numbers more easily). That chart is a patchwork quilt which needs to be thoroughly gone over and seriously edited for consistency.

[4] Exponential notation. We assume the universe is fundamentally shaped by base-2 exponential notation. We also assume one infinitesimal sphere is rendered per unit of the most infinitesimal length and time, be it Planck Time, Stoney Time, or ISO time. Each yields spheres at a rate of expansion equivalent to the speed of light, logically a cosmological constant. Using Planck’s base units, the rate is 539 tredecillion spheres per second. It is a fascinating study and we have only scratched the surface, i.e. it would appear that the universe expands by a sphere slightly larger than the earth every second.

[5] The Grid or Matrix. The word, grid, was used by Frank Wilczek because he thought the 1999 movie, The Matrix, had tainted the meaning of the word, matrix. Given that the film was rebirthed in 2003 and 2023, he is probably right, but, just maybe, the concept of a grid of infinitesimal spheres that touch everything, everywhere, throughout the universe and throughout all time might help those writers of their next film script! We’ve been asking film makers for many years to consider this alternative model.

There’s been a new wrinkle with sphere stacking; I’m struggling with it here: https://81018.com/spin/

[6] Perfection. The concept is difficult for most. It shouldn’t be. People have experiences of perfection. These experiences are signposts along the way of a lifespan. Within this website, perfection is defined by the primary facets of the sphere, continuity-symmetry-harmony. There is too little time-and-space and the densities are too intensely-high for anything but cubic-close packing of equal spheres and that generates the most-simple tetrahedrons and octahedrons. Those who have bought into quantum mechanics “lock-stock- and-barrel” will readily question these assertions. They may even find the idea of perfection repugnant; nevertheless, there is a certain logic to this domain. The first second is within Notation-143, the first year within Notation-169, and the first million years within Notation-189. At this point in our considerations we have begun to postulate about factors that could trip the perfect fittings of these geometries within spacetime. Without getting into mythopoetics, one can imagine that precedence could play a role and fluctuation geometries do not occur until the later notations (well after the first second), and that, over time, fluctuations naturally seat within Notations 65-67.

[7] Imperfections and freedom. Many scholars and scientists may bristle to be asked to accept that quantum fluctuations begin with a geometry that creates open space or a gap. Each link within this section goes to images of geometries that create gaps. To date, there has been no gap geometry per se and very little geometry of quantum fluctuations. It needs to be more-pointedly considered and studied. At the infinitesimal, smaller than Notations 65-to-67 where fluctuations are first recorded, it is hypothesized that systems theory emerges between Notations 50-60. Today, that could be as high as Notation-65. Within systems theory, it is hypothesized that the brain, which appears to operate between many notations within the human scale, may be coordinating through the mind somewhere within Notations 50-to-60. It is among our more speculative ideas… yes, that here, free will and the values of freedom and justice prevail.

[8] Beginning with Langlands programs, strings, and SUSY…. There are far too many scholars and scientists whose work has not had a place on the grid. Scholars include those who work with hypothetical particles, loop quantum gravity, causal dynamical triangulation, causal set theory, spectral standard model, and even field theories.

Big bang cosmology has been blocking the view.


Thank you for your comments. You can still comment Do you have any recommendations? -BEC


References & Resources
As references are studied, the key references and resources will be updated.

  1. Dimensionless constants, cosmology and other dark matters, Frank Wilczek, Anthony Aguirre, Martin Rees, Max Tegmark, ArXiv, January 11, 2006, Table 1, page 2, 5
  2. Max Planck’s natural units, Robert L. Wadlinger; Geoffrey Hunter, Phys. Teach. 26, 528–529 (1988) https://doi.org/10.1119/1.2342611, Nov. 1988
  3. JWST early Universe observations and ΛCDM cosmology Rajendra P Gupta, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 524, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 3385–3395, 07 July 2023
  4. Michael Silberstein, W. M. Stuckey, Timothy McDevitt, Beyond the Dynamical Universe: Unifying Block Universe Physics and Time as Experienced, Oxford (2018); Website: https://www.relationalblockworld.com/ (link has known security problems); ArXiv articles: Mysteries” of Modern Physics and the Fundamental Constants c, h, and G, (October 2021)
  5. Classic: GEORGES LEMAÎTRE, The Beginning of the World from the Point of View of Quantum Theory. Nature 127, 706 (1931). https://doi.org/10.1038/127706b0
  6. Probing Spacetime Foam with Extragalactic Sources of High-Energy Photons, Y. Jack Ng (UNC), Eric S. Perlman (Florida Institute of Technology), ArXiv, 2022
  7. Is the Photon Really a Particle? V.2 (PDF), Paul A. Kelvgard, Sandia Lab, 2021
  8. The UniverseClock: The simple logic that created the UniverseClock is the same logic that guides the logic for a grid or matrix of infinitesimal spheres that defines the universe that defines all time and space. In this chart the universe is somewhere around 436,117,076,600,000,000 seconds old. That is in-and-around 13.82 billion years.
  9. The Theory of Exponential Expansion of the Universe, Prithwijit Sarkar (Kolkata, India), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (p-ISSN: 2167-6844 e-ISSN: 2167-6852), 2015
  10. Protecting Spin Coherence in a Tunable Heisenberg Model, Emily J. DavisAvikar PeriwalEric S. CooperGregory BentsenSimon J. EveredKatherine Van KirkMonika H. Schleier-Smith, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 060402, 3 August 2020 ArXiv
  11. James Webb Space Telescope Images Challenge Theories of How Universe Evolved, UT News, April 13, 2023
  12. Wikipedia: Tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb


Emails There will be emails to many of our scholars about key points. These will be updated.

Leonard Susskind, Stanford
Sharmila Kuthunur, Seattle (WA)
Huda Yahya Zoghbi, Baylor School of Medicine, Houston
Clare Burrage, Nottingham
Joel Leja, Penn State, State College
Alex Keshavarzi, University of Manchester, England
Halena Abramowicz, Tel Aviv University
Rajendra P Gupta, Ottawa
Amanda Pagul, STSI, Maryland
Kelly Kizer Whitt, Earth-Sky, Austin, Texas
Michael Boylan-Kolchin, UT-Austin
Kurt Riesselmann, Fermilab, Chicago
Michael Duff, Imperial College, London
George Ellis, University of Cape Town
Will Kinney, SUNY-Buffalo
Katherine Freese, UT-Austin
Fabiola Gianotti, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


IM Instant Messages to thought leaders around the world about these key points.

2:31 PM · Nov 9, 2023 @macfound Hexagonals in your header orders space, but more! It is cellular, chemical and atomic structure that is scale invariant given it is basic structure of an octahedron: https://81018.com/octahedron/ (notice the four hexagonals inside), naturally from ccp: https://81018.com/ccp/ Attached was an image of their header image.

8:42 AM – 4 Nov. 2023 @AIP_Publishing Do base-2 exponential numbers from Max Planck‘s base units tell us anything? That chart is here: https://81018.com/chart// Might it help to begin to formulate a theory about the first second of our universe (between notations 143 and 144). The Now is Notation-202.

5:10 PM · Nov 3, 2023 @chandlertuttle JWST challenges our 40-year old big bang theory and the scholars attack the the Standard Model and the Lambda CDM. The big bang can be fully replicated by applying base-2 at the Planck scale (base units): https://81018.com/new-science/ Numbers: https://81018.com/chart/

4:03 PM · Nov 1, 2023 @ScienceMagazine Which is better? …natural inflation or a big bang? …Standard Model or big bang? …Lambda CDM using a natural inflation? SEE: https://81018.com/new-science/ It is entirely idiosyncratic but it’s simple and natural.

@SciAm If JWST scholars looked beyond the Standard Model to big bang cosmology’s inflation, they’d discover that it is replicated by applying base-2 notation to the Planck base units. It works! From the start to this day is just 202 doublings: https://81018.com/new-science/



You are always invited.


Keys to this page, missing-keys

• This page became the homepage on November 26, 2023.
• The last update was on 11 December 2023.
• This page was initiated on 26 November 2023.
• The URL for this file is https://81018.com/missing-keys/ (this page)
• The headline for this article: Missing simple keys to know our Universe
• Teasers* are: Occam’s Razor is being ignored…
__ Possibly opening doors to new, simple-but-comprehensive foundations…

*Or, wicket, kicker or eyebrow.
