Five Assumptions: Our Universe, An On-going Construction Project


On Recognizing Our Simplest Building Blocks


Introduction.  One of our penultimate questions is, “How did the universe begin?”  Until recently, most scholars would have answered, “the Big Bang.”  Yet, with all its problems, an increasing number of scholars recognize that the Big Bang” is not the answer. Most of our leading scholars now know, it has serious problems. Around the world scientists and scholars question it.  Many now say something like this: “I have an open mind and I am troubled by the lack of any new theory about the origins of this universe.”   That’s when I’ll write to introduce this website and ask, “What about this model? What are we doing right or wrong?

Even the AAAS Science and Scientific American editors have received our email:  What-If.  Yet, email is easy to ignore; and, editors by nature are reluctant to give any guidance. Perhaps you can guide us.  But, let me caution you, this model is as idiosyncratic as it is simple.

There are five very speculative assumptions (concepts) that shape the heart of this simple construction project.  Those five are as follows:

1. Continuity: A simple mathematical grid to order things.  Apply base-2 notation to the Planck base units to encapsulate the universe within 202 base-2 notations. We start at Planck Time and go to the present time. Incredulous, many ask, “How’d we miss it?”  There is more

2.  Symmetry: A simple building block to create relations. Assume the first expression of physicality is the sphere; some have called it a plancksphere; and, back in 1955, John Wheeler called it quantum foam. Apply cubic-close packing  and form-and-structure become emergent. Remember pi! We have so much more to learn about pi! More…

3. HarmonyA simple construct for quantum fluctuations and dynamics. Assume basic structures include a five-tetrahedral unit; we have called it a pentastar. It has a gap (0.12838822… radians or 7.356103172… degrees) that also manifests as the twenty-face icosahedron and the sixty-face pentakis dodecahedron. In each the same gaps could readily manifest as quantum indeterminacy by the 64th notation or doubling where the Planck Length doubling, 2.981362×10-16 meters, appears below the threshold of actual measurement.  More

4. Time is derivative. Every notation is always emergent, never-ending, never-the-same. All time is Now. Obviously, within this 202nd notation, there is a perception of past-present-and-future, a sense of time. This notation is 10.9 billion years and only about 2.84 billion years of it have emerged (defining the current expansion of the universe).  More

5. Infinity. Re-open the door to redefine the concept of infinity. We’ve all got to lighten up a little. It is obvious nobody is making real progress within the old-time debates, but some progress just might be made both within mathematics, physics and logic. More

Summary. It is such a different model, it is hard to engage. It took me the better part of four years to realize in what ways this nascent model could become more than a STEM tool.

A link to our little history is embedded here. My story is here, an introduction here.

My request. I know how idiosyncratic this model and five constructs are. If the logic and/or mathematics fail, I would be deeply indebted to learn how. If this model is not a possibility, I would like to learn where and how the simple logic and simple math break down so I can give this work a fair burial as a theory and do a better analysis of its STEM possibilities.  Thank you. Thank you so very much. 

Just below are three images of circles and spheres which may well be applied to the first three or four notations, perhaps more.  Yes, more…   

Current Explorations:  What is the relation to form-structure, polarity, and gravity?

Sphere to tetrahedron-octahedron couplet
I. Form- Structure
II. Polarity
III. Gravity
tet-oct Coulomb Gravity

My Themata:
1. The primary search for unity begins with pi, the sphere, and the dynamics of the inside and outside of the sphere.
2. The relation is primarily real (vis-a-vis Leibniz-Newton).
3. Everything starts simple before it becomes complex.
The need for “renormalization” tells us that we have not found a baseline for simplicity.
4. The faces of infinity are continuity/order, symmetry/relations, and harmony/dynamics.
5. There is a finite-infinite transformation that we begin to know through pi with its
never-ending, never-repeating, always the same and then through the other dimensionless constants.
6. The sphere (Wheeler’s quantum foam or Plancksphere) manifests as space-time and mass-energy.


Challenge us. Coach us. We need all the help we can get.

Which concept is strongest? Which is weakest?
