About us, the people and the beginnings of this project


1. A few math and science people in a New Orleans high school
2. A Brief History: An early conceptual evolution of the project
3. The Challenge: Reconcile the big bang and our quiet expansion

Most recent update: November 2019  This page duplicates the original homepage.

The first chart, December 2011

Big Board-little universe
First map of universe uses Planck Length

We are taught and assume that history is history,  and continuity is continuity, and that our history in part defines who we are. Bruce Camber articulated that in 1971 and 1972 when he was thinking about the question, “What would a moment of perfection look like?” It was a moment that inspired him, transcending all time. It was one of those moments when we feel a sense of  “at-one with the universe.” That feeling drove the unfolding of this chart on the left.

About 80 high school students naïvely began to explore that chart, a geometric progression that first went down in size from a simple tetrahedron to the Planck Length, then reversed, to go all the way out to the Observable Universe and current expansion, a total of 202 doublings.

“It is just numbers and simple logic.”

This chart measures 60×11 inches and just over 202 base-2 exponential notations (dividing or multiplying by 2, over and over again). A two-year search did not find any references to base-2 and the Planck Length. Asking around locally and then globally, many people were puzzled and asked, “Why haven’t we seen a base-2 scale of the universe before now?”

An Integrated Universe View

Dubbed Big Board – little universe, this project started as a curiosity; today, it is an on-going study to analyze and develop the logic and potential links from their simple mathematics to all the current mathematics that define the universe, all its parts, everything from everywhere, and from the beginning of time to this very moment in time. Their hope is that this simple logic has simple links to real realities.

Their standing invitation is, Open To Everyone, to help.

This chart follows the progressions from the smallest to the largest possible measurement of a length. Subsequent charts engage the other Planck base units. With more questions than answers, this group is trying to grasp the logic flows in light of current academic-scientific research.

They’re making a little progress.

This first chart is very early work. Click on it, then click on it again to enlarge it.

What’s next?

They ask, “Where are the informed critics to tell us where we are going wrong?” One rather brilliant, young physicist told them that the concept for this project is idiosyncratic. They quickly learned how right he was. Nobel laureates and scholars of the highest caliber were asked, “What is wrong with our picture? Where is our fallacy of misplaced concreteness?” The group is slowly analyzing the logic and developing their thoughts as web postings with the hope that somebody will say, “That’s wrong” and be able to tell them in what ways they have failed logically or mathematically.

The first 36 of 200+ notations of the horizontally-scrolled chart

So, even now, there is much more to come. At the end of the year, 2015, a Lettermanesque Top Ten was added. In January 2016 an article, Constructing the Universe from Scratch, emerged. In April 2016 the horizontally-scrolled chart provided a better sense of the flow and of phase transitions. Still a “rough draft” this project has a long way to go!

Bruce Camber says, “You are most welcome to add your ideas and insights!


