What is happening this month?

The month, May 2024

2023 by Bruce Camber Note: If you would like to help, you can jump in on any one of these projects, discussions, updates, email campaigns, or sales campaigns; there is room for everyone.

Work continues today on prior homepages and the current homepage.
Many pages are in need of updating.
You may look in on the most current work
and, if you want, we can collaborate in real time.
There are always new pages being developed.

The Expansion of the Universe is a key issue.
Cold-start,infinitely-hot start, or both?

Look at the numbers within the chart
A natural inflation does the job of the big bang.
That’s huge. It’s worth the time to study those numbers!

Light will always be a key issue. Mind-brain relation will be as well.

When this Silos page becomes a first-draft, it will be slowly developed as a homepage!

Homepages are reviewed annually. Up usually for less than a month, each has its own unique URL.

Want to help? It’s a natural sequel to the current homepage:

4. Infinity. New homepages will build on https://81018.com/infinity/. It has become increasingly clear that the leading scholars of the world are avoiding the concept of infinity. It is the elephant in their room. That seems a bit timid and in some cases, even dishonest. I’ll be doing more digging, especially with every scholar we’ve included in our two most-active working documents: (1) https://81018.com/silos/ and (2) https://81018.com/1-202/ Also, I’ll go back through every document within this website that touches on infinity to open a list of key questions to address this observation further. The key article will continue to be: https://81018.com/infinity/

5. Time._Within the light of 202 notations (and given the current notation is 10.9 billion years and we have only engaged 2.8+ billion of those years), the approximate 400,000 years of human history is barely a speck of activity. Four hundred years ago is a flash, virtually current history, very much alive with us today. The direction of time within the current notation is a perception, like a sense… more clarity needs to be brought into https://81018.com/c/  The study of time: https://81018.com/nature/

6. Other Homepages: Every homepage can be improved. The left and right arrows are being added to all prior homepages to assist navigation.

7. In light of the first 64 notations: Perhaps more work will be done on a summary of the state of our world and state of our Universe.

8. Within every plancksphere, there are two inherent activities. One is captured by the first image below. The others further below are new for me. Think of particles and waves, discrete and continuous. -BEC

Sphere to tetrahedron-octahedron couplet


Animation showing how the sine function (in red)

y = sin ⁡ ( θ ) {\displaystyle y=\sin(\theta )}y=\sin(\theta ) is graphed from the y-coordinate (red dot) of a point

on the unit circle (in green) at an angle of θ. ALSO:


Illustrating the cosine wave’s fundamental relationship to the circle. 

9. In light of the first 64 notations: Perhaps more work will be done on a summary of the state of our world and state of our Universe.

10. There are currently about 150 unique homepages. This work and this website began in September 2016. Simple mathematics and geometry, and a bit of pi, point to and open a path to the infinite. Without that simplicity, things are complex or spongy or solipsistic.

