…from the very first moment of time to right now

Prior Post|Claims|Endnotes-Footnotes|References|Emails|Tweets|Zzzz

We all start within a simple perfection:


by Bruce Camber
Eugene P. Wigner
E.P. Wigner

Background. In 1960 E.P. Wigner, Princeton physicist (and Nobel Laureate, 1963), wrote The.Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.1 In this article Wigner beholds the elegance of mathematics and how it helps to define our perceptions with miraculous accuracy. This deep respect, even reverence, for mathematics and numbers goes back to the Pythagorean schools (circa 500 BC), then even further back to the old Hindu masters (circa 800 BC), Babylonian sages (1900 BC) and Egyptian seers (circa 4200 BC).

From about 1900 BC forward, most of these “numbers-people” were mystified and challenged by the mathematics of the circle, the sphere, and the magic of pi (π).

There is a unique perfection within pi with its never-ending, never-repeating numbers.

In 2020, that ratio had over 31.4 trillion digits, a calculation that was set up by Emma Haruka Iwao.2 It ran from September 22, 2018 to January 21, 2019, yet it will never finish (Please note: In June 2022 her group surpassed 100 trillion digits). Within this model, all those numbers of every circle-and-sphere are: (1).the face of perfection, (2).a definition of the infinite, (3).a finite-infinite bridge, and (4).the penultimate continuity equation. There is a fundamental ordering of numbers, a deep symmetry of relations-and-geometries, and the opening of basic dynamics within harmonic functions.

We conclude, “If we are to understand this universe, we must start with pi.”

Pulling everything together. At no time in our human history has the entire physical universe, literally everything, everywhere, for all time,3 been logically and mathematically encapsulated. Yet, because logic and mathematics fit together, hand and glove, the logic inherent with the Planck base units gives us an actual beginning of the universe. By applying simple mathematics, base-2 exponentiation, to those base units we have another ordering system. Today, right now, this very moment in time, is the current expansion of the universe AND the ever-changing endpoint of the universe AND the current age of the universe.

Max Planck
Max Planck

Natural base units. In 1874 in Dublin, George Johnstone Stoney began his calculations to define natural units. Then, in 1899 in Berlin Max Planck4 did his own calculations. The concept of natural units was finding a place within academia. These very special numbers and formulas also give us the best possible starting point of the universe. Natural units are defined by universal dimensionless constants.

Though ostensibly ignored for over 100 years, in 2001 an MIT physics professor, Frank Wilczek,5 wrote three articles for Physics Today that began the current, deeper explorations. Wilczek, awarded the Nobel prize in Physics in 2004, lifted Planck’s numbers out of numerology-and-obscurity and into scientific respectability. The logic and simplicity of these numbers are now beginning to be refined.

Frank Wilczek
F. Wilczek

In 2011, I began to explore the question, “Can we meaningfully multiply these Planck numbers by 2? We unwittingly applied base-2 to the Planck Length while working on a geometrical progression that started by going deeper and deeper inside a tetrahedron. Wilczek and Freeman Dyson6 both encouraged our explorations.

Planck Time in 2013 and 2014. Now, also following Planck Time, I asked, “If this is the smallest possible unit of time, doesn’t it follow that it is also the first unit of time?”

Freeman Dyson
F. Dyson

Asking for a critical review and hearing no objections, I concluded that the Planck base units describe the most-logical starting point of this universe. The expansion of the universe, today, right now, is widely-studied and well-documented by many of our best scholars. As a result of that work, this universe is understood to be between 13.799-to-13.82 billion years. Some have it as high as 14.1 billion. Of course, there are a few who push it much higher and a few lower. As of today, we accept and use 13.81 billion years.

I believe that a rather profoundly underrated problem within our scholarship (and even within our faith statements) is the scope of the platform within which we make our observations and pronouncements. The old guard called it a Weltanschauung,7 yet we all know our little world evolves within a much larger universe. I would say that all so-called worldviews are by definition too small. Until we context our belief systems within an ordered, integrated, mathematical universe, our scope is too limited and too confined.

Base-2 Exponential Notation. By applying base-2 (doublings) to the Planck scale, we can rediscover this universe, now parsed and parameterized within just 202 notations. That little chart — https://81018.com/chart/ — requires much more work; nevertheless, it is a start.

Finite-Infinite. When we envision the universe in all that we do, our encapsulated finite universe begs the question about the infinite. One of the first ways we begin to know about the infinite is through our never-ending, never-repeating universal constants. We begin with pi (π).

Pi (π) and the very nature of light are within the core that defines those Planck units.

The Beginning and the Perfections of a Sphere. The universal sphere is the first expression of physicality that remains outside the boundaries of measurement for as many as 64 doublings.  Here the perfections of continuity, symmetry and harmony define physical space. Here, there is a perfection within our physical world that is rendered as homogeneous and isotropic. Here is a domain forever and always beyond the reach of quantum indeterminacy and chaos theory.

And, here this finite-infinite relation creates a domain of perfection.8


Endnotes & Footnotes

1 E.P. Wigner Like those writings of Frank Wilczek about the Planck scale, once a professor receives a Nobel prize, the earlier writings take on a special significance. With this page and reference, I will start a new group of pages, Letters to those who ideas live on.  Of course, people like E.P. Wigner and other key Nobel Laureates will be among those to whom I write. With the simple gift of pi (π), we construct a very different approach to the universe, yet one, given his writing within The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences that I believe Wigner would approve.

2 Emma Haruka Iwao is a 2008 graduate of the University of Tsukuba (Japan) and today works for Google in Seattle, Washington. She set up the systems within the Google cloud and her automated calculations began churning digits on September 22, 2018 and ran until January 21, 2019 when they symbolically stopped it at 31.4 trillion digits, way-way-way beyond the actual number, 31 trillion, 415 billion, 926 million, 535 thousand, 897. That’s just 14 units. Think of all the pages of numbers those 14 digits represent. Let’s figure it out.**  (Does over 8 billion pages of numbers sound about right?) It is arguably the longest actual definition of continuity in the world. In her own words… Our page for Emma: https://81018.com/iwao/

3 Everything, everywhere, for all time: Not a “theory of everything” but the mathematics for everything is further modified to be sure nothing is overlooked; “for all time everywhere” has been added just to start a debate. Once everything, everywhere, for all time is inscribed, can a theory be far behind?

4 Max Planck:  The initial Father of Quantum Physics, Max Planck was Einstein’s mentor and Germany’s foremost physicist after whom over 80 research institutes have been named. For his work on quantum theory, Planck became a Nobel Laureate in 1918, Einstein in 1921 and Niels Bohr in 1922.

5 Frank Wilczek: Picking up on Richard Feynman and Paul Dirac’s anxiety about fundamental constants and how the universe coheres, Frank Wilczek was driven to open his own search to understand the fundamentals of physics in a new way. His study and use of Planck’s constant led him to the dig through Planck’s own struggles with the basics 100 years earlier. Wilczek is among a very select group to re-kindle interest in basic units, natural units, and fundamental physical constants. Others, like John Barrow (Natural Units Before Planck, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 24, P. 24, 1983) and C. Alden Mead (UMinn), were earlier adopters. In 1959, Mead wrote an article to build a case that Planck length and time are fundamental units. That work was largely rejected (C. Alden Mead: Observable Consequences of Fundamental-Length Hypotheses, Physical Review, N4, March 25, 1966, p.990-1005, doi:10.1103 / PhysRev.143.990). It is interesting to note that in 1989 Mead became a fellow of the American Physical Society and in 2012 he was awarded the Wigner medal.

6 Freeman Dyson: I visited with Freeman Dyson in 1979 at the Institute for Advanced Studies, just down the street from Princeton. At that time he was considered the sage of IAS, a collaborator with Einstein, and an insider of the Manhattan project.

His legendary status continued to grow right on up until his death on Friday, February 28, 2020.

7 Weltanschauung. There is a fair amount of confusion around the concept of a Weltanschauung (Wikipedia). Four categories — postpositivism, constructivism, advocacy/participatory, and pragmatism — are the four classic worldviews. Others ascribe seven different categories: Theism, Atheism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Deism, Finite Godism, and Polytheism. One group is from the perspective of the finite and the later from the infinite. None have an integrated, mathematical view of the universe. And, each position is held by various groups of self-assured people throughout the world. It is no wonder why we are so contentious, confused, and on edge.

8 Domain of perfection. Today we would say that this domain will be primarily under the 64th notation. Here, perhaps the scholars among Langlands programs, string theory, loop quantum gravity research and a few others will have the best possible insights to localize and specify the functionalities within each domain or notation. Additional references:
Foundations Within Foundations: https://81018.com/foundations/
The Start: https://81018.com/starts-8/
Center for Perfection Studies: https://81018.com/center/
Research: “We can assume domains of perfection…”

Also, applicable is the 2007 work of Howard Georgi within his concepts of “Unparticle Physics.”

Imperfection. The pentastar, Pentakis dodecahedron, and icosahedron use the same simple combinations of basic geometries. Logic tells us that that our opportunistic universe would have manifest the most simple within the very earliest notations. These are very basic geometric figures. With just five tetrahedrons, sharing that edge at the centerpoint, if the faces remain exact, there is a gap between them. If not, there are “stretched” angles and faces. Yet, if that gap is not part of a larger system, there is no possibility that quantum fluctuations begin. We project that it is only within actual systems, projected to be between Notations-50 and Notation-64 is where those gaps actually become fluctuations and that indeterminacy (and unpredictability, uncomputability and undecidability) become an operational modality.

Also, I believe consciousness and sleep will find a variable place within these domains from Notation-1 to Notation-64. 

Of course, there is always more



Tweets and emails

Here are just a few of the recent tweets and emails during this period.

On Sunday, October 16, 2021, a new activity was added to this website – Sunday Letters. Given this webpage is about perfection, it seemed like the primary caretaker of John Wesley’s legacy, the United Methodist Church, would be a good candidate for a letter. One of the primary beliefs of John Wesley was to “go on to perfection” which begs the question, “Can there be any kind of perfection within our quantum world?” Within the first 64 notations (out of the 202 defined by base-2 notation starting at Planck Time to this day) are begging for further analysis.


1. Closely-associated with other homepages, this article will continue to be updated. Among a few of the related pages are Twelve Formulas (Aug 2019 and Feb. 2020),  Transformation (Aug. 2019), Bottom-up (Sept. 2019), Map the Universe (Oct. 2019), Finite-Infinite  Bridge (Nov. 2019), Our young, cosmological model (Dec. 2019),  A Simple View (Jan. 2020),  Claims (Feb. 2020) and Imperfections (March 2020).

2. Further research: https://arxiv.org/abs/1110.5634
“Thus, knowledge-building in cosmology, more than in any other field, should begin with visions of the reality, and passing to have a technical form whenever concepts and relations in between are translated into a mathematical structure.” -Francisco Jose Amaral Vieira

* The New Day In Tarawa, Kiribati

** How many characters on an 8.5×11 inch page?
First, how many characters across?
Can we agree on 75?
How many lines down?
Can we agree on 52?
That would give us about 3900 characters per page.

The number of confirmed digits of pi are over 31,415,926,535,897.
As a book, it would be 8,055,365,778 pages long.
That’s 8 billion pages.

***So what is perfect in your life? Love?
A perfect harmony? … music?
A rose? Some other flower?

Rolls-Royce Spectre

A setting sun?
The night sky?
The infinity of the ocean’s horizon?

Please stop for a moment to visit today’s homepage.

If you appreciate what we are doing here, please “like” and “share” this page. Thank you.

Key Dates for this page named Perfection

This page was initiated on 12 February 2020
It became a top post or homepage: 24 February 2020
The URL for this page is https://81018.com/perfection/

Last edit: Monday, June 11, 2023 

On December 5, 2022 at 1:03 AM, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
National Ignition Facility  (NIF) broke through the primary goal that has eluded science for over 60 years; it’s called ignition, the first controlled fusion experiment in history. They hit levels of perfection with continuity (order), symmetry (relations), and harmony (dynamics). They are redefining space-time by demonstrating the infinite within the finite.

There is a gross perfection within space-time that is within the first 50 notations, There are moments of perfection that can transcend all 202 notations. The LLNL is taping into that gross perfection.

Notwithstanding, every star in the universe is a dynamic demonstration of a simple perfection some of which is strictly finite and most of which is deeply infinite.
