Hypothetical particles? Or, dynamic composites of infinitesimal spheres?

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Every “hypothetical” begs the question,
“What is fundamental?”

by Bruce E. Camber (First draft)

Overview: Obvious to some who work to discern the nature of hypothetical particles, we need a more basic paradigm; particles with all their hypothetical particles are not the most-basic organizing structures of our universe. So, if not, what defines our most-basic relations?

Proposal: Go down to the Planck base units, start with the most-simple, three-dimensional, geometric object, a sphere, and ask, “How could it start so simply?” Be imaginative. Be bold. Then, come back with a proposal.

Our postulations: https://81018.com/continuity-symmetry-harmony/ Called..The First Formula, it is on the drop-down menu from Pi (π) at the top of every page within this website. It opens the magic of pi (π). There is still so much that we do not understand about pi (π), let’s try to go to a deeper level of engagement. Surely, we should never give up trying. [1]

So, what is the essence of a sphere?

Can it open key questions in mathematics, physics, and philosophy?

That question triggered the next two formulas, cubic-close packing (ccp) and a natural inflation of 539 tredecillion spheres per second. Watch how our basic geometries emerge and how there is an explosion of spheres. To begin to analyze those spheres and attempt to grasp some order, we applied base-2 notation. It outlines the universe in 202 notations. Two key scales emerge — https://81018.com/scales-2/ — which give structure to all formulas. Applications come next; and with them, all the hypothetical particles and the Standard Models follow.

Aether (or grid). In 2011 when we created our first chart, it was mostly “just numbers.” Then we began to realize, “All of those 202 base-2 notations are always active. They build on each other.” Then it began to simmer… “What could be more simple? Just 202 steps to outline the universe and it necessarily includes everything, everywhere, for all time within a grid of infinitesimal spheres.” It seemed like John Wheeler’s claim was coming into view: “Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it — in a decade, a century, or a millennium — we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise?”[2]

A fifth formula is being studied and developed to capture quantum fluctuations within specific geometries and mathematics (equations). One group of scholars, GAP (Geometry And Physics),[3] is being approached to see if any of their associates are studying the physical gaps created by simple geometries. In 2016 we were introduced to gaps: https://81018.com/number/#Gap Then in June 2020, there was this analysis: https://81018.com/biased/#Aristotle And, in May 2022, we uncovered a heretofore unacknowledged octahedral gap: https://81018.com/geometries/

Why not? I have asked hundreds of scholars and will continue asking,”Why not?” of many, many more. We have ignored the basics and the foundations of our foundations altogether too long. Continuity-symmetry-harmony define nine perspectival studies of our foundations. Each of these studies involve many, many scholars and each group defines part of the deeper dynamics of our grid. This grid, a logical and mathematical outline of the universe within 202 notations, has not yet been recognized. The first notations (0-to-64) hold the foundations of our foundations. It is hypothesized to be the domain of infinitesimal composites, already mathematically studied within work on algebraic operads and applied within these nine studies.

Simple Chart: That base-2 chart is the most-inclusive, most-complete, most-simple numbers to outline our Universe. There is a place for Kees Boeke’s rudimentary base-10 chart, but it comes later. There is a necessary relation between Planck Length and Planck Time, and then with Planck Mass and Planck Charge. The work of mathematicians, Milnor and Smale, will also include attractors and repellers (gravitation and electromagnetism) within this mix of infinitesimal dynamics. [4]

This grid of infinitesimal spheres is making and necessarily-expanding our universe. It has a lot to teach us. It is time to take a look and work with those earliest notations, the most simple part, before it all becomes exceedingly complex.

Thank you. –BEC


Endnotes & Footnotes
There may not be many because all these points already have pages within this website.

[1] Never give up trying. This footnote will document current articles and papers that are attempting to understand the very nature of pi (π). To that end, the work of a Baylor University mathematics professor, Dorina Mitrea, is recommended. Further, the concept of a trace anomaly when scale invariance is broken requires study. It begs the question about dimensionless constants, “When are such constants no longer dimensionless?”

[2] John A. Wheeler, How Come the Quantum? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 480 (“New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory”), pp. 304-316 (1986),doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1986.tb12434.x

[3] GAP Group: Here GAP means Geometry And Physics. Some say, Geometry-Algebra-Physics. They meet annually and have been since 2003. The list of speakers and their work will be surveyed to see if any are engaging pi (π) in new ways.

[4] Infinitesimal Dynamics and Attractors-Repellers: Concepts are related to the concept of dynamic modality and they regard the long-term behaviour of a dynamical system. (Review: https://81018.com/parameters/#9a)


References & Resources
As these references are studied, key references and resources will be added within this website.

It gradually reveals itself to us as we try to understand the very fabric of mathematics. Even now there are many unanswered questions and open problems which are both intriguing and incredibly difficult. It never stops amazing us.” — Dorina Mitrea, Ph.D., Baylor

Another dynamic of the sphere. “Attractors are trajectories of the system state variable that emerge in the long-term, with relative independence with respect to the exact values of the initial conditions. These long-term trajectories can be either a point in the state space (a static asymptotic behaviour), named fixed-point, a cyclic pattern (named limit cycle), or even a chaotic trajectory. “

  • See Milnor and Smale: “Repellers correspond, qualitatively speaking, to the opposite behaviour of attractors: given a fixed-point or a cyclic trajectory of a dynamic system, they are called repeller-type trajectories if small perturbations can make the system evolve to trajectories that are far from the original one.” From IGI-Global on April 11, 2023

Our basics: four hypotheses, based on conjectures and facts that are not currently recognized:

The first 64 notations accommodate the mathematics of the following studies: (1) Langlands programs, (2) string theory (including M-Theory, F-theory, type II and offshoots), (3) supersymmetry (SUSY), (4) loop quantum gravity (LQG), (5) causal dynamical triangulation (CDT), (6) causal set theory (CST), (7) field theories, (8) spectral standard model (SSM), and (9) all the hypothetical particles.


There will be emails to many of our scholars about these twelve points.

Mon, May 1, 11:14 AM, Hsuan-Yi Liao, Taiwan
Sat, Apr 29, 5:46 PM, Maxim Kontsevich, IHES, France
Thu, Apr 27, 4:59 PM, Connor Malin, Notre Dame
Tue, Apr 25, 8:08 PM, Alberto Cattaneo, Zurich
Mon, Apr 24, 10:33 PM, Christof Wetterich, Heidelberg
Mon, Apr 24, 11:46 AM, Tim R. Morris, Southhampton (UK)
Sat, Apr 22, 5:54 PM, Alexandre V. Borovik, Manchester
Fri, Apr 21, 4:33 PM, Kirsten Wickelgren, Duke
Fri, Apr 21, 9:10 AM, Dorina Mitrea, Baylor University
Thur, Apr 20, 12:03 PM, Earth Day USA 1970- April 22, 2023
Wed, Apr 19, 2023, 11:10 AM, Reminiscing about technology: An Open Email to old friends
Wed, Apr 12, 2023, 3:39 PM, Mathieu Stiénon, Penn State
Wed, Apr 12, 2023, 3:14 PM, Adrian Ocneanu, Harvard, Penn State


There will also be many instant messages to thought leaders about these twelve points.

@BlackRock Migrate from a simple worldview to an integrated view of the Universe. https://81018.com It’s a start.

Follow the numbers: https://81018.com/chart/

The model is based on universals: continuity-symmetry-harmony.

@JamesClayton5 (BBC Tech Reporter) Authentication, integrity, and honesty require creating continuity, symmetry, and harmony. https://81018.com/csh/ is the backdrop for a highly-integrated, mathematical view of the universe that liberates and integrates everything, everywhere for all time!

 @MarsGlobal If we are going to create a better world, we need a better model of who we are and why. That takes breaking out of our limited worldviews and embracing the universe with continuity-symmetry-harmony: https://81018.com/csh/ Look at: https://81018.com for more.

10:41 PM · Apr 15, 2023 @LidianeJones We’re all have too many loose-ends and need a better grounding. A mathematically-integrated view of the universe is a start: https://81018.com/chart/ and seeing the universe filled with infinitesimal spheres — https://81018.com/continuity-symmetry-harmony/ — could help. Glad to explain.


You are always invited.


Keys to this page, universe-numbers

• This page became a homepage on April 20, 2023.
• The last update was Monday, May 1, 2023.
• This page was initiated on April 4, 2023.
• The URL for this file is https://81018.com/universe-numbers
• The headline for this article: Hypothetical particles beg the question, “What is fundamental?”
• Teaser* is: Life is too short. We need to re-engage our basics, the foundations.
__#2: Hypothetical particles? ….a dynamic composite of infinitesimal spheres?


*Or, wicket, kicker or eyebrow.