In Search of the Essential Universe*

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Sphere to tetrahedron-octahedron couplet
Sphere Stacking-Packing
File:Circle cos sin.gif
Lagrangian point

Harmony, a deep dynamic* of our universe
by Bruce E. Camber

Is there a more-simple but rigorous explanation for the beginning of this universe? 1 Anxieties surround the big bang theory — there are too many unanswered questions. There has been a long-standing search for a better theory. Yes, the infinitely-hot start is just a theory and it has been enigmatic right from the beginning.

There’s got to be a better way. 2

Try a cold start defined by Planck’s base units; it opens new dynamics and questions: 3
Is the first instant of space-time of our universe defined by the Planck base units? 4
If so, would it manifest as a primordial sphere defined by the Planck units and pi? 5
Would that include the de facto harmonies of the Fourier Transform? 6
If so, might we assume there is one PlanckSphere per PlanckSecond? 7
Is the rate of expansion 539.116 tredecillion planckspheres per second? 8
Planck Time: 5.39116(13)×10−44 seconds
. Review aether and dark matter-energy.
Is the PlanckSphere the most essential, foundational unit to define the universe? 9
Is that PlanckSphere foundationally defined by pi? 10
Is pi (and the sphere) defined by continuity-symmetry-harmony? Is our universe? 11
Do the Planck units uniquely identify every instant and everything within the universe? 12
Are these Planck’s base units constantly expanding in number with every instant? 13
Might we apply base-2 notation to instantiate a system for grouping planckspheres? 14
Result: Just 202 notations from that first instant to this very moment in time
Observation: The first 64 notations are below our thresholds for measurement.
Is this a domain for Langlands programs and string-and M-theory? 15

There will be more questions based on our growing list of naive claims. Also, compare the infinitely-hot Big Bang theory to this Cold-Start UniverseView.

These ideas and concepts have had a slow and painful growth. One could click back (over 200 times) on the top, little-yellow arrow on the left and review top-level postings back to July 2016. You could also cursor over the word, HOME, on the top navigation bar; a drop down will give you access to all those listings. Also, here is a listing of all those top-level postings.

Summaries: Three major breakouts
1. The universe starts with the Planck base units, spheres, and the deepest definitions of pi.
2. 202 base-2 notations encapsulate the universe. All notations are active. The first 64 notations are relatively unknown and have hardly been explored. These notations are below the capability of our measuring devices.
3. Notation-202 is 10.89 billion years in duration and only about 2.9 billion years of it have been fulfilled creating what feels like a flow of time; it’s called time’s arrow. The uniqueness of any moment is recompiled within the larger universe every time there is sleep.


Footnotes & Endnotes
* Dynamics and Six Dynamic Images. In 1971-1972, just thinking about the most perfect moments of life, I concluded that there were moments of perfection. These moments required continuity for order, symmetry for relations, and harmony for dynamics. I had deep-seated intuitions about the meaning and value of such moments but found it most difficult to articulate what it all meant in light of current philosophy, psychology, and physics. That would take another forty-to-fifty years.

There are no less than six dynamics that naturally come with spheres. All we believe can be applied to the Planck scale and to each notation thereafter. See in light of all integral transforms.
Cubic-close packing of equal spheres: Though lifted up within this website in 2016, this image naturally builds on the next five dynamic images.
Fourier-A: Sine-Cosine-Waves: We’ll all learn about the wave’s fundamental relationship to the circle.
Fourier-B: Focus on Sine: We’re all going to learn a little trigonometry and calculus, too.
Possible Fourier-C-D: An all-natural polarization: An open metaphor and analogical construction.
Possible Fourier-F: Lagrange points: Lagrangians come home.


[1] A More Simple Model: There are six recent top postings, a summary overview
• Worldviews to UniverseView: Engage a Planck-scale Defined Universe.
• The three: Continuity-Symmetry-Harmony will take time to incubate.
• History: Change the Metaphor – Rewrite the History.
• Expansion: One plancksphere/plancksecond, a natural-but-unorthodox expansion
• First Instant: Remember Pi, a primordial, constant, ever-changing, always the same
• Consciousness: Who am I? Who are you?


[2] Big Bang Theory Is Wrong: The most poignant advocate for something other than the big bang is Neil Turok. He was Stephen Hawking’s friend, colleague, and co-author. Most importantly he said the universe is perpetually starting. That’s true. The first notations are always the first notations for today’s expanding universe. Planck Time defines a very dramatic expansion rate — 539.1 tredecillion planckspheres per second — and provides justification to apply base-2 notation just to track of the numbers systemically.


[3] Cold start defined by Planck’s base units. In our earliest explorations, we didn’t think abut temperature. We had followed Zeno back to the Planck units using a tetrahedron and the octahedron with it. Dividing each edge by 2, it was relatively easy to create a new map of the universe [1][2] base on the Planck base units. It was our own STEM tool and it just seemed logical. What could possibly be wrong with dividing edges by two? Although ignored for over 100 years by the mainstream scientific and academic communities, these Planck base units became a focus of Frank Wilczek. In 2001 attitudes began to change substantially. Now in the mainstream, these units have yet to be reconciled with the big bang cosmology. It is not possible, so the old theory continues to be saddled by questions.

Twelve of our unique questions follow and the answer to each question is believed to be a resounding, “Yes.”


[4] Yes, here is the first instant of space-time of our universe: What are the smallest possible units of space and time? …the Planck base units? I have asked some of the finest scholars and most adventurous living physicists of the world. Nobody has had an answer. …not even Alan Guth (MIT). The best response was, “That’s a very, good question.” The definition of that first instant could well be best described by the Planck base units of time, length, mass and charge. Given that we have heard no objections, we hypothesize, instantiate and hypostatize that the statement is true. Now, we should either prove it or disprove it.


[5] Yes, a primordial sphere is defined by the Planck base units and pi: It seems that primordial spheres of some kind have always been with us. From Democritus to Lemaître to spherical blackholes today, yet it seems everyone forgets to include pi in their analysis. It’s curious. It is also quite incomplete. Spheres, the Planck units and pi are made for each other. Pi defines continuity, symmetry, and harmony. It tests the concept of scale invariance. It defines the beginning and the end of multiscale modeling. It is the epitome of dimensional analysis. And, as we have seen, it is all simple logic and simple math.

There is always something new to learn. While studying spheres one more time, we began considering the Riemann sphere. We’ll find an expert scholar to ask, “Is the Reimann sphere possibly the first sphere within the first notation, and then it evolves one Möbius transformation after the next, as it is pushes through all the next notations?”


[6] Yes, primordial spheres include harmony and the Fourier Transform: Six key images are at the top of this page. The first (left-to-right) is for the transformation from pi-circles-spheres to straight lines-tetrahedrons-octahedron. This key functional process of the universe builds upon the other five images, all symmetries-in-motion, each a possible expression of infinitesimal harmonies. The Fourier Transform is scale invariant, however, at the infinitesimal level the only test for it is logic; this scale redefines the quantum scale. It gives it an approximate beginning within the Notations-50 to 60. It gives it a transformation from the mathematical to the physical around Notation-65. Here our historic understanding of the Fourier Transform will be expanded through a base-2 notational extension of the Planck base units. We are now looking for an expert, a scholar’s scholar who might work with us to discern the nature of the Fourier Transform at Notation-1, then at each subsequent notation.


[7] Yes, there is one PlanckSphere per PlanckSecond. This simple logic is telling us the story of our universe. “One PlanckSphere per PlanckSecond” changes everything. It quietly and respectfully opens the door to a new model. And relatively speaking, there is always the same infinitesimal sphere, one after another, filling the universe, all starting 13.81 billion years ago.

If you were to do a search on those four bold words, you’ll only get references to pages within this website. How can something so simple and so basic have been overlooked for so long?


[8] Yes, there are 539.11 tredecillion planckspheres per second. Not long into this project, I said, “I’ll have to learn more about numbers, especially the extremely large and extremely small.” Wikipedia has a section just on large numbers that is worthy. Of course, the conversion from Planck Time at 5.39116(13)×10−44 seconds to one second readily computes to the 539 tredecillion infinitesimal spheres per second. I think it is a figure that the kids in the sixth grade would enjoy getting to know. It seems like a good number with which to poke fun with your friends, “What? …you don’t know the rate of expansion for our universe?”

Here, too, are major discussions about the aether, and dark matter-energy. The universe is wall-to-wall filled with Planckspheres. The implications are ginormous.


[9] Yes, the PlanckSphere is the most essential, foundational unit to define the universe. Nobody else is currently making such a strange and strained statement. Even the word, PlanckSphere, can be questioned. I have been asking the international governing bodies to inject themself in the naming convention — NIST, CODATA, BIPM, and others. I think Max Planck defined the Planck base units from dimensionless constants and universals such that these are the best possible;e natural units with which to begin. Certainly, these numbers can be tweaked and they will be tweaked, but the conceptual structure remains the same. There will be an infinitesimal sphere that is orders of magnitude smaller than atoms and particles whereby mathematics and logic must prevail.


[10] Yes, the PlanckSphere is foundationally defined by pi. I am not sure why the leading scholars within physics do not re-engage the essential natural of pi. There should be motivation. So much of what defines life is circular and spherical. It comes up in the leading-bleeding, thoughtful articles all the time. But if you look for pi, you will not find it. That’s a mistake. There are so many opportunities within a systemic progression from the first moment-to-now to go back and review it. There are so many opportunities within all the symmetry conditions… why not? And now, there is so much within the Fourier Transform, it seems blatantly obvious, “We are missing something fundamental within pi. What is it?” The first thing we miss is its perfection — its never-ending and never-repeating is so enigmatic, we’ve got to confront it and acknowledge there is a perfection within numbers and we do not understand it. One of the recent articles on this site touches on it. The PlanckSphere is foundationally defined by pi. It has a deep-seated perfection. The universe begins within that perfection. We all manifest some elements of that perfection. We shouldn’t be afraid of that minuscule part of us that is perfect. Yes, we quickly adopt quantum indeterminacy and it manifests throughout the rest of our beingness, but it is derivative and secondary. We shall overcome…


[11] Yes, Pi and the sphere are defined by continuity-symmetry-harmony. Continuity-symmetry-harmony define both pi and the sphere because it defines a moment of perfection and as such it also defines the finite and the infinite. As such, it thus defines our universe.


[12] Yes, the Planck base units uniquely identify every instant and everything within the universe. Yes, every thought, word and deed. Yet, these numbers are always changing. Though seemingly written in stone, like the enigmatic nature of pi, we are constantly being redefined. It is a bit like the old images of Santa Claus, having that list and checking it twice. Here is the area within which we can begin to understand the mythopoetics of the Akasha. I often tell our political class, “Stop all the lies. It is weighing down your soul and confusing your life. You do not need that added burden.”


[13] Yes, the Planck base units are dynamic numbers. There is a thrust within our universe and everything, everywhere for all time is constantly changed by that thrust. Nothing is static. It is all constantly expanding with every instant.


[14] Yes, we need to apply base-2 notation (doublings). It is a system to track planckspheres. There are many folks who have said, “Base-2, base-10, you can use any system you want.” And finally I say to them, “You are intellectually correct but practically wrong.” The most simple system for ordering massive amounts of data is base-2. Finding what it is that is doubling may seem illusive, but in this system, it is clear: the Planck base units. The doubling action is simply keeping a count of the spheres by each notation. We now have a number with which to work: 539.11 tredecillion per second. We even have a calculation for an approximate total, yet with base-2 we have a system that most school children can understand. We have a system that naturally groups within a time, by a size, with an energy and with a certain mass. It is a group. And, with each notation because of prime numbers and dimensionless constant, entirely new things evolve.


[15] Yes, the first 64 notations are below our thresholds for measurement. It is a new science and a new day. The first 64 notations will free up our imaginations and move us beyond particles and waves. Let’s get this model cooking!


References & Resources
1. The Essential Universe, Prof. Dr. Neil F. Comins, Professor within the Physics and Astronomy departments of the University of Maine in Orono. Comins’ work, The Essential Universe, is an introductory, college-level overview of astronomy and cosmology. It addresses the most essential-general themes of the universe, not its essential constituents, dynamics, or elements. Also, Comins still adheres to an infinitely-hot start of the big bang. All students in these times need to compare an infinitely-hot start with a cold-start (which was Lemaitre’s first proposal in 1927).


2. Prof. Dr. Jan-Åke Schweitz, Sweden: I had never heard of Dark Source Flux (DSF) cosmology. What could it mean? I try to avoid creating new names, especially if the old ones can work. However, here perhaps is work that struggles with an analogous concepts that are relatively unexplored. I relish finding such people exploring the unknown. His statement: “This source flux makes possible a concise mathematical formulation of the metric expansion in terms of one single variable (cosmic time) and two measurable universal constants. The model completely determines the evolution of the universe from Big Bang to eternity and provides a seamless connection between the early epoch of rapid inflation and our present epoch of slower but accelerating expansion.” (Sixth paragraph under Dark Source Flux (DSF) Cosmology) Of course, we’ll be talking a bit about the big bang versus cold start. It seems he could conceptually work within either domain.


3. French mathematician-scientist, Henri Poincaré (1854-1912). “Poincaré and Hilbert came to the same conception of the axioms of geometry: they are definitions in disguise; rather than asserting undeniable truths, they fix the meaning of the basic terms of geometry (point, line, etc.) that would otherwise remain undefined.” – Laura Fontanella

What about pi? I’ll use analyses of all three, Poincairé, Hilbert, and Fontanella to discern the appropriateness of starting the universe with just pi and the Planck base units:


4. Spherical and nonspherical models of primordial black hole formation: exact solutions, Tomohiro Harada (Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Toshima, Tokyo 171-8501, Japan Oxford, Google, ADS ) and Sanjay Jhingan (Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India and iCLA, Yamanashi Gakuin University, 2-4-5, Sakaori, Kofu-City, Yamanashi 400-8575, Japan See: Oxford Academic Google Scholar ADS), September 2016

Also see: List_of_finite_spherical_symmetry_groups and scaling laws


5. Stephen Wolfram Writings, Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful, April 14, 2020 There seems to be a convergence of ideas and Wolfram’s work will definitely be part of it. There are dozens of people whose writings are bubbling up and will begin to concrese. It all starts with a simple idea.

1. Mike Holderness, @HoldernessEU,, New Scientist Masthead
2. Alexander Kusenko, Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA and Senior Scientist, Kavli IPMU, U. of Tokyo, Japan
3. Ramon Cruz, Sierra Club
4. Journal of Multiscale Modelling, World Scientific, proposing Penultimate Multiscale Model
5. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM), proposing From PlanckTime-to-Today: Using Base-2 Notation to keep track of things
6. Defense Innovation Board, regarding the Public Meeting on Wednesday, July 11, 2018
7. Steve Wolfram: A quick email just to start to compare our “pi-Planck units-dimensionless constants” to his “hypergraph that may well be a single self-loop.”
8. David B. Newell, Barry N. Taylor, Peter J. Mohr and Eite Tiesinga (NIST) request for naming of the infinitesimally small. Add Barend Mons as well.

Somehow we have to come to terms with ourselves:


9:46 AM · Jan 22, 2021 @SenSchumer @SpeakerPelosi @LeaderMcConnell Please-please-please be careful. History writes itself and the truth eventually rises. Sometimes it takes centuries, but every year of deception costs our souls even more. None of us can control the narrative.

9:45 PM · Jan 26, 2021 @JohnBrennan Please, please please, let us take on a much larger vision of who we are by moving beyond little worldviews. Adopt an integrated UniverseView. is a start out of a high school geometry class. It’s base on pi, circles and spheres!

7:28 PM · Jan 26, 2021 @POTUS The entire world needs a new vision of who we are and why. You can lead us. Our worldviews are all too small. We need an integrated view of the universe. It will inform us deeply because it builds on pi / spheres: is just a beginning. Jill can help.

1:46 PM · Jan 27, 2021 @AOC WE ALL NEED AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! First thing, out with little worldviews and in with an integrated view of the universe. It’ll give us all a better picture of reality. My little start: It’s based on math/geometry and encapsulates the universe.

11:30 AM · Feb 1, 2021 @Prof_WCByrd Intersectionality does not take into account the most basic concepts in science – continuity, symmetry and harmony – and math (derivative of pi). Thus limited worldviews inhibit an integrated view of the universe: starts to work on it.

4:40 PM · Feb 2, 2021· @elliotmcgucken Ever get up to Wheeler’s home on the coast of Maine? He sent me “Frontiers of Time” back in ’79. “Wheeler says that time is “not primordial.” (p.117) So we ask, “Is Planck Time the first moment ? …defined by pi? …cold start? …202 base-2 notation to this moment?”


Afterthoughts: This posting’s summary can now be sharpen and simplified. It is a start based on all the work to date, but most particularly on six recent pages. Please review all six pages!

We All Need To Become Problem Solvers and Violence Begins With An Incomplete Philosophy


Key Dates for this document, Essentials

  • This document was started on January 15, 2021.
  • First posted for collaborations: January 25, 2021.
  • The URL for this document is
  • The Prior Homepage:
  • First Tagline: Let Us Consider What Is The Essential Universe.
  • Second Tagline: In Search of the Essential Universe
  • The last update of this page was on February 6, 2021.
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