Big Bang Cosmology Is Holding Back the March of Science.

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From the shortest to the longest scales
by Bruce E. Camber (a working first draft)

Big Bang Cosmology (bbc) has problems. First, there is no consensus about what happens in the very first seconds of the universe. Also, there is no discussion and no consensus that base-2 is the de facto exponential expansion of the universe. Yet, if we apply base-2 to Planck Time (take it as a given to be the first moment of time), there are 143 notations to the first second.[1] From that first second to the current time are just 59 more base-2 notations.[a] This scale introduces physics at the shortest length-and-time and uses base-2 exponentiation to go to the physics at the largest length-and-time. Few scholars are aware of those 143 notations to the first second and all 202 notations to the current time. And, that simple logic is not part of any peer-reviewed analysis of the bbc.

There are more shortcomings.

With a growing number of images with extraordinary clarity coming every day from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), it appears that the universe starts smoothly. In spite of all the work on inflation and the inflaton by Alan Guth and others,[b] questions are raised. Our earlier space telescopes had observed the same smoothness and some of our finest scholars and scientists started calling for a new physics [c] to address the issue.[2] Also, the defenders continue to be challenged with images of well-developed galaxies within 300 million years of the start.[3]

If Stephen Hawking were alive today, just based on those JWST images, I believe he would be leading the way, championing a new physics instead of the big bang.

A key factor that holds back the forward march of science is how big bang cosmology blocks the view of basic mathematical and scientific work that might help solve many of our problems today. For example, out of the 202 base-2 notations, the first 64 steps, up to a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, define key processes involved in controlled nuclear fusion. [4] That our scientific enterprise is unaware of these notations compromise all fusion research.

Langlands programs has been blocked from applying their constructions about the preconditions to start our the universe. The richness of Langlands programs needs to be part of our vision of the preconditions of spacetime, which tell us how our universe came to be.[5]

Other studies using functional analysis have also been blocked from the grid. Not only do these studies have a place on the grid, they have keys to understand it.[6]

Consider further the de facto expansion — base-2 — within big bang cosmology. The classic formulation of the theory was of a compression of “everything, everywhere which would ever be manifest in time” as a most-powerful singularity (and the cause of exponential expansion). Big bang cosmology starts infinitely hot and infinitely dense. Our simple logic also starts within a very dense state and the most infinitesimal units of space-time manifest as a sphere.

Our hypothesis is that the very. first unit of spacetime manifest as a sphere; and in so doing,instantiates the qualitative, the three most basic facts-features-functions of pi (π):
1. Continuity-numbers-order is given by her endless equation.
2. Symmetry-shape-relations is given within the perfections of her circles and spheres.
3. Harmony-spacetime-dynamics is given by Fourier’s transform, periodicity and spin states.

Sphere stacking-and-packing create tetrahedrons and octahedrons, basic building blocks of geometry and the universe which, of course, include particles and waves.[7]

Again, instead of a compressed singularity, we start with the most simple object in the universe, an infinitesimal shell sphere defined by all natural units. These base units could be defined by Planck, Stoney, the ISO or even another equivalent. The surprise is when one compares that base-2 progression with the bbc, the results are virtually the same. The bbc’s epochs become our processes. Guth’s inflation is on hold. The result is an alternative model. It’s a dynamic model that redefines space, time and infinity. As the bbc slowly occupies a more limited role in our history, I believe our oldest, most-ubiquitous equation will re-emerge. Pi (π) gives us a very different beginning, a smooth start, and an immediate start of star formation. It reinforces the spirit of the Lambda CDM, the Standard Model for Cosmology, and the Standard Model for Particle Physics. 

If we take as a given that the Planck base units manifest as an infinitesimal sphere with all the equations of dimensionless constants that define each, along with her deep-seated continuity-symmetry-harmony of pi, Langlands programs can get to work and be applied as part of the preconditions for the first instant of spacetime. With base-2 and continuity-symmetry-harmony as the infrastructure, a transition from Langlands to string-and-M theory is more direct. With 64 notations of which 18 are prime numbers, there is room on this continuum for every study including causal dynamical triangulation, supersymmetries, loop quantum gravity, causal set theory, hypothetical particles, and the spectral standard model.

We will all begin to grasp that first second (Notation-143). We will also begin to grasp the very first yoctosecond (Notation-64) as we’ll fine-tune our bandwidth to a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. There at the thresholds of possible measurement is a more perfect part of our universe, very real foundations of our universe, even things currently in the dark!

All of us will begin to work to grasp the very small and the very large.

To that end we have started a petition to our major learned societies within every nation that has one: Challenge your people![8]

Also, with this homepage and others, we are beginning to ask the people of Langlands programs to explain automorphic forms for the general public. Explain the bridge between the finite and infinite and to the very first notation. We will be asking the people within SUSY to help redefine infinity and perfection.

And, to encourage this entire process, we kindly ask you to be involved. Please consider helping us along the way by signing our petition about it all.[d]

Back in 1986, one of our most adventurous physicists, John Wheeler, said,

“Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, so compelling, that when — in a decade, a century, a millennium – we grasp it, we will all say to each other, “How could it be otherwise?”

— John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008), How Come the Quantum? from New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 480, Dec. 1986 (p.304–316), DOI:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1986.tb12434.x

Perhaps John Wheeler was intuiting base-2 notation from the first moment of time until now.
I actually think he was. Thank you. -BEC

P.S. If you can see where I have failed, especially with the logic, geometry, and mathematics, and my knowledge of pi, spheres, dimensionless constants and natural units, please let me know! I.have no reputation to defend. I’ll apologize and I will profusely thank you for helping me to focus on one of my blind spots. Thanks again. -Bruce



[1] VideoR. Penrose, S. CarrollL. Mersini-Hougton, Big Bang Creation Myths, AIA, (1:58/38:11), 2018 “The first minute is a little bit up for grabs.”

Also, see: Retrieved 6 February 2024:

[2] New Physics: Do we have a standard model of cosmology?, George Efstathiou
Astronomy & Geophysics (A&G), Volume 64, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 1.21–1.24, Also:

Also, see: Retrieved 6 February 2024:

[3] Well-developed galaxies within 300 million years: Retrieved 3 February 2024,, What is the status of the Big Bang Theory?

[4] Controlled nuclear fusion: Retrieved 3 February 2024,

[5] Langlands programs. Retrieved 6 February 2024,

[6] Functional analysis. Retrieved 6 February 2024:

[7] From Geometries to Particles & Waves. Retrieved 6 February 2024: 

[8] Petition. Retrieved 6 February 2024: 

Endnotes / Footnotes
Background: When writing a new homepage, links are inserted within the content of the body. When somewhat complete, references (once called the footnotes), endnotes and resources are added and all external links and many internal links are deleted. Your comments and advice are always appreciated.

[a] 202 base-2 notations. Our first chart emerged on December 19, 2011 inside a high school geometry class. We thought it was the best possible STEM tool. We asked, “How could anything be more comprehensive and easy, too?” We were sure we would find it someplace on the web. When we could only find Kees Boeke’s 1957 base-10 work, we were a bit puzzled. By the time we did our horizontally-scrolled chart of 202 notations, we had learned enough cosmology to begin believing that it was a more simple and more comprehensive approach than the big bang theory.

[b] Inflation takes over. In 1979, Alan Guth, a postdoc at Cornell, began introducing his concept of inflation, an addendum to big bang cosmology. By 1981, his landmark article was published in Physical Review D. Reflecting on his theory, in 1997 he wrote The Inflationary Universe. The inflaton emerged in 2007. For more, see our correspondence with Alan Guth.

[c] Beyond the Big Bang Theory. Some scholars suggest that the new physics starts beyond the standard model. Among those who have, George Efstathiou is a scholar’s scholar. As the head of the Kavli Institute for Cosmology at University of Cambridge (now emeritus), he was early to call for a new physics. One of the goals of this article is to get him to comment about base-2 exponentiation from Planck’s natural units. We will request his permission to include it as a critique of this article.

[d] Petitions and Help. A little activism emerges because is easy to ignore quiet people. There are many different types of learned societies and all of them are important.

Resources (under construction):



More to come…

5 February 2014: @BILD Insight & wisdom cannot be built on half-truths: When our sciences falter, we all falter. Religion and science need the continuity-symmetry-harmony of deep science: Mistakes by Aristotle-Newton-Hawking hurt us. Best wishes, BEC

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Keys to this page, bbc

• This page became a homepage on 7 February 2024.
• The last update: 17 February 2024 — On a positive note!
• This page was initiated on 2 February 2024.
• URL: and the positive:
• Second headline: From the shortest to the longest scales
• First headline: A few defenders are catching on
• Teaser (aka wicket-kicker-eyebrow): Big Bang Cosmology Is Holding Back the March of Science