Drop-down menus from the top navigation bar

Top Navigation Bar (pictured below) is on every page of this website.

HOME. The drop down menu from HOME shows the dates and titles for over 150 more homepages. You can scroll down that list all the way back to the first homepage in July 2016.

PI (π). On the right side of that Top Navigation Bar is PI (π) with its six options in the drop-down window. These are six of the most important links within the website: THE FIRST FORMULA, THE SECOND FORMULA, THE THIRD FORMULA, THE FOURTH FORMULA, APPLICATIONS, and THE UNIVERSE-IN-A-GRID.

ABOUT is an informal collection of pages that seem to catch the spirit of this enterprise. These will change very slowly over time.

CHARTS: Of course, the charts have been a constant reminder to answer the question, “What do these numbers represent? How do we interpret them?” The scholarly community has all but ignored them. I believe they are sure that these numbers are all too simple.

CONTACT. The most important link is ALPHABETICAL LISTING. I use this option frequently each day when I want quick access to a scholar’s work. The options below it are still rough and need work.

INDEX is an historic relic of a lists of pages by subject matter. It needs a “do-over” to make it more easy to find a subject. I will use the SEARCH function up in the far right corner before scrolling through the INDEX!

Thank you.
