Nobody had done a simple base-2 calculation from Planck’s base units…

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Not even our Nobel Laureates
by Bruce E. Camber (working draft)

Abstract. Apparently none of our Nobel laureates, especially in physics, thought to use actual numbers to observe an exponential notation of Max Planck’s natural units.* It appears that the scholars within the 80+ Max Planck Institutes didn’t think to use Max’s actual numbers to explore an exponential notation.* Nor did the scholars associated with the National Academy of Sciences (USA).* To our knowledge, no thought leader within big bang cosmology ever used Planck’s actual numbers.* If any one of them did, that person would have uncovered the 202 notations and that would have caused a stir within academia.

* Fact-checking as a result of this article is focused and on-going.

Introduction. Not until December 2011 did anybody do a base-2 exponential expansion of Planck’s basic units. It is actually so simple (but tedious), as one might predict, apparently it first happened within a high school.[1]

Simple logic – simple math. Start with the smallest possible units of length and time. Today, most agree that would be Planck Length and Planck Time. Multiply them by 2, over and over and over again. Planck Time is so small, to reach one second requires multiplying-by-two 143 times. Planck time/length at Notation-143 is .60116 seconds and 180,212.316 kilometers (at one second it is 299,774.2964).

By Notation-202 everything, everywhere, from the first moment of time [2] has been geometrically and algebraically (mathematically) encapsulated within 202 base-2 exponential notations from Planck Time to this very day. A chart of 34 horizontally-scrolled pages makes it easy to follow those numbers.

Everything new continues to be encapsulated within the 202nd notation. It is over 10.98 billion years in duration so it’s in the early stages of its unfolding.

Every notation is always dynamic. The first billion years is encapsulated within Notation-199, the first million years within Notation-189, the first thousand in Notation-179 and the first year in Notation-169. As noted, the first second is within Notation-143. Part of the first yoctosecond is within Notation 64.[3]

That yoctosecond, one trillionth of a trillionth of a second, is below our range for direct measurements. There is no time or space for experimentation. Quantum fluctuations are just starting to be measured.

Our initial reactions. At first, we were overwhelmed with all the numbers. The very smallest were most puzzling. We recognized that base-2 was just a simple mechanism to organize vast amounts of data, so slowly we began see ways to make each notation more real by attaching ideas, concepts, and/or things to it. We argued about what would be defined in the first notation. Then we agreed to make some guesses.

Called hypotheses, these four were formulated over several years:
Defined by Planck’s natural units, the first manifestation of a thing is an infinitesimal sphere.[4]
These spheres define, and are defined by, the most simple perfections of pi(π).[5] Here are the perfect continuities of numbers, the perfect symmetries of spheres, and perfect harmonies of spin states (Fourier Transform). There is no particle or wave quite so complex. In those first notations there is no time and too much density for anything but perfection (super-symmetries and superconducting). And so…
Quantum fluctuations have a limited range.[6] The range of perfection from Notation-1 to perhaps as high as Notation-50, and possibly to Notation- 64, is also the beginning of our sense of order (continuity), relations (symmetries) and dynamics (harmonies). And together it becomes the basis of our fourth hypothesis:
• Here is the beginning of value structures.[7] Eventually, ethics follows.

The 202 notations have challenged and moved us to make many unusual hypotheses over the years!

Retrospective: Base-2 exponential notation, from the start of the universe to this moment. If it had been done, people would have begun to discern the 202 base-2 notations and there would have been a fundamental shift within academia. Base-2 exponential notation using the Planck natural units proceeds to encapsulate everything, everywhere, for all time in just 202 notations.

Figure 2

That it began in a high school is significant. There were no pretensions. There still aren’t. We are constantly asking our leading scholars with all earnestness, “Where are we going wrong?” Back in December 2011 we were unwittingly heading in the direction of Max Planck’s base units because we were dividing the edges of tetrahedrons and octahedrons by 2. We were going deeper and deeper inside. We had to stop somewhere. That generated a most simple chart and, yes, it came out of a New Orleans high school (Figure 2). We could have used George Stoney’s 1874 numbers or new numbers from ISO, CODATA and NIST, but Planck’s were known and being studied. In a future project we might use the Stoney and ISO numbers just to have cross-references to the first (Stoney) and the most recent calculations. We assume, logic being logic, the results will be quite similar.

So we continue to ask our scholars, “Do these 202 notations with simple math and logic mean anything? Are they telling us something new? Do they hold true?”

Summaries: Like the rest of the world, we turn to our professors, scholars, and scientists for intellectual leadership to answer our questions. We especially turn to those in our most adventurous universities and to those who have been recognized by their peers. Among all our scholars, perhaps our Nobel Laureates command the highest respect:

As we have, right from the start in 2011, we’ll continue to ask, “What is wrong with our ideation?” And, someday we hope to get an answer. But then, perhaps nothing is wrong with it at all.

Conclusions. Notations 1-64, too small to notice, non-local, these notations appear to be for everyone, perhaps a deeply-internal, “truly-super” supercomputer for anyone who wants to use it. Every sphere is the smallest-fastest processor. It’s hypostatic. It would appear to open some form of cosmic consciousness, perhaps nirvana, because it has perfected states in space-time.

Of course, the universal password for access: ContinuitySymmetryHarmony

With a quiet, introspective smile… Thank you. –BEC

As these references are studied, other key references and resources will be added.

[1] The Start – Retrieved 20 May 2024:
[2] The Chart – Retrieved 21 May 2024:
[3] First Time – Retrieved 22 May 2024:
[4] The sphere – Retrieved 22 May 2024:
[5] Perfections – Retrieved 22 May 2024:
[6] Fluctuations – Retrieved 22 May 2024:
[7] Values – Retrieved 22 May 2024:
Maybe more to come. Feedback dependent.


Reading and re-reading
As the references are studied, additional resources are suggested.

• Aharonov, Yakir and Petersen, Aage, Definability and measurability in Quantum Theory, Ted Bastin, ed., Quantum Physics and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, 1971 

Bell, E. T. , Finite or Infinite?, Philosophy of Science, The University of Chicago, PressVol. 1, No. 1, 1934, pp. 30-49 (20 pages)

• Christian J. Bordé, A consistent unified framework for the new system of units: Matter–wave optics, 2019

More to come. In process: May 2024 Next


Working on these pages
Personal reflections.

• 202 notations: First each notation was determined by the encapsulating geometries. The three layers of our tetrahedron are literal examples of Notations 112113114. It was then determined by a simple base-2 exponential notation that emulates those geometries and puts numbers to shapes and functions.
• Think tanks for scholars: Among the many different consortiums for scholarly research, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton perhaps is best known. Yet, like in most institutions, change still comes slowly. Today, there is a consortium of Institutes for Advanced Studies modeled after IAS; it has a growing number of affiliated institutes with leading thinkers in each country.
• The oldest organization of scholars in the USA is the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. It has many leading scholars within mathematics, physics, and astronomy. In countries affiliated with the United Kingdom, these groups are known as a Royal Academy or Royal Society, I.e. Royal Academy of Sciences, New Zealand.


There will be emails to many of our scholars about key points.


There will also be many instant messages to thought leaders about these key points.

13 June 2024: @Peter_J_Beck Congratulations on all your successes and for learning from failures. Our physics and astronomy enterprises would do well to study your systems. Our view of the universe has been stagnant for over 100 years. We need a mathematically-integrated view of the universe: is about how we got off track and are the simple numbers based on Max Planck’s base units.

13 June 2024 @iamsunnydeol Our view of the universe is too narrow and our concepts of space and time default to Newton. Let’s change the metaphor. All time is Now; here’s a beginning of a new model: Let’s talk!

13 June 2024 @TVietor08 Congratulations on your bundle of joy pictured with you. Love knows no boundaries so let’s break open our models of what’s small and what is large. Let’s open up infinity. First the very small: Then the infinite:


Critique __ You are always invited.


Keys to this page, 202-1

• This page became the homepage on 21 May 2024.
• The last update was 13 June 2024.
• This page was initiated on 19 May 2024.
• The URL for this file is
• The headline for this article: Not even our Nobel Laureates
• First teaser* is: Nobody had done a simple base-2 calculation from the Planck base units…

*Or, wicket, kicker or eyebrow.
