137: A Prime Number

Chart | Homepage | Notations | Please Note: Only those links — words and numbers — highlighted in yellow are active.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7| 8| 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39
80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94| 95 | 96 | 97 | 98|99|100|101|102|103|104|105|106|107|108|109
200|201|202|Originating homepage.

A Study of Notation #137:

NotationPlanck TimePlanck LengthPlanck MassPlanck ChargePlanck TemperatureScaling Vertices
1379.3931×10-3 seconds2815.817 kilometers3.792×1032 kilograms3.2677×1023 Coulombs3.8403×1012 Kelvin5.2884×10123
scaling vertices

Overview: Time is easily measured by our instrumentation; human competition, races of every kind, are won or lost within 1 millisecond. Even the multiple of the Planck Length is well known and understood. Although the Planck Mass multiple seems counter-intuitive, we will quickly realize that all these numbers are actually working well together and are in concert.

137th doubling of the Planck Time: 9.3931×10-3 seconds or 9.3931 milliseconds is readily engaged from within our common experience.  The first second actually emerges between notations 143 and 144. We are still puzzling the deep meaning of  9.39 milliseconds.
137th doubling of the Planck Length2815.817 km (or about 1749.67 miles) is  meaningful when if one considers this size of the universe. If considered a distance from our current location it would be within Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) from 2,000 km (1,240 miles). Geosynchronous orbit is the next step at 35,786 kilometers (22,236 mi).
137th doubling of the Planck Mass: 3.792×1032 kilograms: As earlier observed, the sun is 1.989×1030 kilograms, so even at 2815.81 kilometers, the universe within this notation is in the density range of a neutron star. Though difficult to conceive, these figures do not defy known science.
137th doubling of the Planck Charge: 3.2677×1023 Coulombs: The coulombs scale has grown quite formidable, and we are trying to find scholars to help us interpret the meaning of that number and its correlation to 175 MeV per particle. It is a calculation from the big bang theory and if we can approximate it with our numbers from this quiet expansion model, that could be meaningful.

From our Planck Temperature scale: 3.8403×1012 Kelvin The Electroweak Epoch (now renamed Electroweak Processes) requires an estimated temperature of 2×1012 Kelvin to create the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). This process could begin as early as notations 136 and 137 and it requires 175 MeV per particle while the universe grows through and then beyond one-hundredth of second from its primary start.
Although the Planck Temperature is not one of the basic four Planck units, its derivation resulted in an extremely hot temperature that became the basis of big bang cosmology. Big bang cosmologists had to ignore the four base units to make Planck temperature their focal point from which their theory would evolve. The best among the physicists entertain starting like we have from the very simple and we hope they become part of our coterie of insiders.
With our inherent logic that everything starts simply and small, the Planck Temperature, 1.416.808×1032 Kelvin was placed within Notation 203 at the top of the scale. It is line 7 within our horizontally-scrolled chart. At Notation 1 it has dropped very close to absolute zero at 4.4084×10-27 (K).

Certainly Kelvin is an unusual temperature scale. In this chart, going up the scale, with every new notation, it gets hotter, yet the mass and length also become proportionately larger. Between Notations 85 and 86 the Planck temperature goes from 1.74638 K to .8731907 K. 1 Kelvin is -457.87° F and -272.15° C. Also, superconducting temperatures range from -220 degrees Fahrenheit or -140 degrees Celsius at normal pressures, and -164 F and -109 C at high pressures.

The universe is less than one-hundredth of a second from its start. As we have observed, within this model, each notation is alive and well and still part of the sustaining infrastructure of the universe.

Of course, there will be much more analysis forthcoming. To continue this analysis we will be asking pointed questions of experts within mathematics departments of universities and colleges around the world.

We will dig deeper into our first three notational groups, the foundations of our foundations. As we develop this analysis of the remaining three notational groups, we constantly examine the logic in light of the big bang theory. It is all still very basic information and to say that we have substantial work to do is a bit of understatement. Notwithstanding, we are gaining a little confidence that these numbers are telling a plausible story that has a bit more logic than the stories told about inflation, super luminal speeds, and the inflaton. Much more to come