173: A Prime Number

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A Study of Notation #173:

Notation #173: 645,492,017.5 seconds or 20.45 years old

Planck:Time (Seconds)Length (Meters)Mass (Kilograms)Charge (Coulombs)
173:645,492,017.5 (s)1.935015×1017 (km)2.605×1043 kg2.245×1034C

The universe begins looking like a young adult.

Overview: The universe turns 645,492,017.5 seconds old. The duration of the notation goes from around 12 to about 48 years. A light year is between notations 168 and 169.

Calculation: 60 seconds × 60 minutes = 3600 × 24 = 86,400 seconds per day times 365.25636 SI days-to-the-year equals 31,558,149.504 seconds per year. 645,492,017.5 divided by 31,558,149.504 equals 20.4540515729 years. Within most of these calculations the conversion number, seconds-to-year, is 31,558,149.504.

This number is important to grasp. Though there is something very visceral about a second, 31.5 million seconds is not. Yet, a year is entirely visceral, so we’ll just have to learn that there are 31,558,149.504 seconds to a year. This number has been computed as low as 31,536,000 using just 365 days per year, yet more often it is 31,557,600 using 365.25 days per year. The SI (International System of Units) number is 365.25636 days per year. When talking about 13.81 billion years, that difference becomes a substantial variable. The Planck Time units from within a second for a year may be a more reliable figure to use in the future.

20.45 years old. A rather ideal age for a person, still young enough to be excused for our youthful ways, yet mature enough to be taken seriously. Within the greater model, 173rd notation is over 86% of the way through the total, yet it’s a long way to 13.892 billion years from 20.45 years. Though appearing more aggressive, the arc of the increase is still a simple doubling. From 173 to 202 is about 29 additional notations, divided by 3.33 would mean that we would add just under nine additional zeroes to take us from 20.45 years to 13.8 billion of years.

173645,492,017.5.s1.935015×1017.km2.605×1043 kg2.245×1034 C2.63×1023 K

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