“Solving the universe’s greatest mysteries, from quantum to cosmos.”

The Perimeter Institute

Right in the top level expression of the institute, there is a special challenge. On their website, it proudly announces to the first time visitor, that here they are “Solving the universe’s greatest mysteries, from quantum to cosmos.”

In 1899 Max Planck defined the meaning of quantum; he was mathematical. He used dimensionless constants. Although the Planck constant, according to some, may be mistaken, the four Planck base units — length, mass, charge, and time — are part of the ISO standards today. Where the Perimeter Institute fails is that their work has a very limited understanding of the domain between the beginning of the Planck scale at Notation-0 and Notation-1, and the measurement of quantum fluctuations at Notation-67 (perhaps down to Notation-64).

In all fairness, most of the scientific and scholarly community ignore those first 64 notations, yet they still may qualify as quantum physics. My intuition is telling me that the earliest of those 64 notations may be qualified as “hypostatic physics” that actually defines a type of perfection, i.e. there is perfect continuity, symmetry and harmony, and that “quantum physics” will be reserved for the imperfect. Possible.

By the way, my first encounter with the work of the Perimeter Institute was their 2016 conference on the nature of time,  Time in Cosmology, June 27-29. Then, I got to learn about Neil Turok.

Updates coming….