On following the work of Jean-Pierre Luminet…

Jean-Pierre Luminet

Jean-Pierre Luminet, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS
Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) UMR 7326
Centre de Physique Théorique de Marseille (CPT) UMR 7332
Observatoire de Paris (LUTH) UMR 8102 Paris, France

Articles: e-LUMINESCIENCES, Inference, Is Space Finite (Jean-Pierre Luminet, Glenn D. Starkman, Jeffrey R. Weeks)(Scientific American 2002), iNSPIREHEP
ArXiv: The Dark Matter Enigma (2021), Lemaitre’s Big Bang (2015), The Holographic Universe (2016), Creation, Chaos, Time: From Myth to Modern Cosmology (2016), Editorial note to “The beginning of the world from the point of view of quantum theory” (2011, 2018)
Blog (en Francais), CV, Facebook, Google Scholar, LinkedIN, UNESCO, Wikipedia, YouTube

Within this website: https://81018.com/2012/05/05/wikipedia/#History

Most recent email:  July 4, 2018

Dear Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Luminet:

Here in the USA the 4th of July celebrations have begun; it’s time to think about foundations, roots, and revolutions. Surely, your work is over-qualified.

Yet, who shall we follow… Tegmark and get rid of infinity?  …perhaps Arkani-Hamed and his attempts to throw out space and time? …how about Rovelli? How about Luminet?

I have so much more to learn about everything, however, I still believe our starting points are off.  So in that light, I continue working on my idiosyncratic model of the universe using that base-2 application with Planck’s Base units.

In that process, I have started to enumerate ten or twelve concepts that could be worth our time to review and comment. Although our scholarly and scientific communities have used all of the following words (within the Postscript), none of their inherent concepts have been lifted up as primordial, keys to begin to integrate ideas within a simple mathematical model of the universe (that base-2 application from the Planck scale to the Age of the Universe in 202 notations). So, here are ten key ideas, rather radical concepts, that are presented so we might begin to see our “very first moment,” then ourselves, and our universe more logically.

Could the these concepts just below sow the seeds of a quiet revolution?


Most sincerely,


All these concepts work within the base-2 model:

  • Primordial Planck Base Units. The very simple idea is that everything within this universe first manifests as space and time from the Planck base units of Planck Length/Planck Time and Planck Mass/Planck Charge. Each is derived from universal physical constants, the properties of nature, not human constructs. Max Planck introduced his base units in 1899; within our configuration, his group of four were elevated to a “primordial” status back on November 14, 2016: https://81018.com/math/#Primordial
  • The Infinite-Finite Pi. A finite-infinite bridge could be defined by pi with its never-ending, never-repeating numbers. Pi’s status within this website has been engaged as follows:
    Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028…
    Pi Day: 3.14
  • Many discussions like this one that began because of Langlands and Frenkel.
    Plancksphere: The First Emergence. The first manifestation of the base units is a sphere dubbed the Planck Sphere. Let us make it the first manifestation of a space/time moment.
  • The Finite-Infinite Bridge. This finite-infinite bridge is also defined with the dimensionless constants, at least 31, possibly over 300, and as many as 10+ billion (Plouffe).
  • Qualitative-Quantitative on the Infinite-Finite Bridge. The gradient of the qualitative is established within the quantitative and its infinities, understood as the dynamics of pi and dimensionless constants, and best given within continuity/order, symmetry/relations and harmony/dynamics. Also, here we may just have a possible foundation for ethics.
  • The 202 Notations. There are just 202 notations from the first moment in space/time to the current moment in space/time using the currently defined Planck Base Units and an application of base-2 exponentiation. So doesn’t that tell us the universe is exponential, not linear?
  • Hypostatic science (based solely on Notations-Mathematics-and Logic). The first 64 notations are just three notations under the current ability of CERN and other accelerators around the world to measure. For now, the first 64 notations must be engaged using mathematical logic, mathematics, geometry and simple logic. An old Greek word to describe that inaccessible place is hypostatic.
  • Extended definitions of light. Light permeates all 202 notations as the fulcrum between the unique nature of space and time at each notation.
  • Natural inflation and thrust throughout all 202 notations. There is a natural inflation and thrust emanating from pi, the dimensionless constants, and Planck charge, that get carried throughout all 202 notations.
  • Exponential Universe. The 202 notations, a succession of doublings, is an application of base-2 exponential notation. It is period-doubling bifurcation. In some way, it is an expression of Euler’s Identity. We live in an exponential universe.

One more thing

Time as a rate of encoding and imprinting on the Universe. In this model, it appears that our sense of time, known as Past-Present-Future, is simply a sense. It seems that there is only one time – right now, this moment. One might ask, “What makes Sir Isaac Newton’s postulation about absolute space and time correct?” Yes, we all adopted it as children; the world’s family adopted as its commonsense view of the universe. That doesn’t make it true. Within this model everything we say, think, or do imprints on our little universe.

Fluctuations and perceptions of time. Seven vertices made by five tetrahedrons renders an imperfect object where there is a space-filling gap. That very simple gap might best be considered a very reasonable beginning for fluctuations, from the initial to the quantum, yet also including creativity, free will, chaos, indeterminacy, turbulence and the like.

Of course, there is so much more to come. Our first guesses are never quite right!

Thanks again. -B

First email: 20 March 2012

Dear Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Luminet:

I am reading, thinking and ingesting your work as best I can.

I have made reference to you in an article here:
Your critical review is appreciated. I know there are some very large leaps within it.

I also have a series of baby questions I hope you might answer:

1. Who do you believe has the best calculation for the diameter of the observable universe? Why? I have seen a rather imposing range.
2. With your quick calculation below of the number of base-2 notations, what is that 3/3/3/4 formula? How many notations going within? How many notations going out?
3. Are you involved with the ASTRON project with the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy and IBM?



Reply:  Wednesday, July 17, 2013

With permission the following response from Jean-Pierre Luminet is posted:
“I tried to understand the discrepancy between my calculation and that of Joe Kolecki. The reason is simple. Joe took as a maximum length in the universe the so-called Hubble radius, whereas in cosmology the pertinent distance is the diameter of the observable universe (delimited by the particle horizon), now estimated to be 93 billion light years, namely 8.8 10^26 m. In my first calculation giving the result 206, I took the approximate 10^27 m, and for the Planck length 10^(-35) m instead of the exact 1.62 10^(-35) m. Thus the right calculation gives 8.8 10^26 m / 1.62 10^(-35) m = 5.5 10^(61) = 2^(205.1). Thus the number of steps is 205 instead of 206. You can quote my calculation in your website.” – Jean-Pierre Luminet, Directeur de recherches au CNRS, Laboratoire Univers et Théories (LUTH), Observatoire de Paris, 92195 Meudon Cedex http://luth.obspm.fr/~luminet/